
General Directorate of Higher Education Credit and Dormitories Agency Sheltering Facilities

After Student Selection and Placement Center processes, dormitory applications are announced on the website of General Directorate Higher Education of Credit and Dormitories Agency, which is Applications are made via electronic state portal. Information is demanded from students on their economic, social and education situation via published application forms. According to the scoring system students will be placed to free quotas beginning from the student, who has the highest score. Students, who are not eligible to be placed as nobles will receive substitute sequence.

Deposit Value and bed fees at dormitories:

Bartın Dormitory for Male Students:

Deposit value: 355,00.-TL

Bad fee (Monthly): 265,00.-TL


Bartın Dormitory for Girls:

Deposit value: 200,00.-TL

Bad fee (Monthly): 150,00.-TL


Bartın Dormitory for Girls with another price:

Deposit value: 270,00.-TL

Bed fee (Monthly): 200,00.-TL


Note: Deposit value and dormitory bed fees are updated every education term. Students, who stay at the institution dormitories are given food scholarship.

 Breakfast: 3,00.-TL

Dinner: 6,50.-TL

Monthly: 30*9,5=285,00.-TL’dir.

 Note: Food scholarship is updated at the beginning of every education term.

Credit/Scholarship applications are made every year between announced dates via internet. On the internet application screen information on economic, social and educational situation is asked. Later this information will be compared with the information in public institutions and confirmation will be obtained. After the evaluation specific number of students will gain right to get a scholarship according to budget situation. Students, whose situation is in accordance with legislation, can get credit.

 Note: Dormitory and Scholarship/Credit applications are made on the same dates. Announcements are made on the website 

 You can get information on Credit and Dormitory Agency on the website or from the Provincial Dormitory Directorate in your region.

  • Capacity of Credit and Dormitory Agency Bartın Student Dormitory for Girls in Ağdacı region (Ağdacı:1330 persons; Sıtmayanı: 292 persons and in total 1622 persons; 0378 228 37 27- 28; you can get in contact via this number.
  • Capacity of Credit and Dormitory Agency Çesmi Cihan Dormitory for Male Students in bus terminal region: 664 persons, 0378 237 63 00- 01 you can get in contact via this number.
  • Capacity of Credit and Dormitory Agency Oruç Reis Dormitory for Male Students in Police Department region: 243 persons, 0378 228 63 you can get in contact via this number.

You can get in contact with Credit and Dormitory Agency Provincial Directorate for detailed information (0378 227 55 41-42)